Changes in the management of InfoConsulting Hungary Ltd. to ensure more efficient support of Customers and growth

Csaba Veréb changes Imre Sturcz in the position of Managing Director, the previous Managing Director is going to work on the support of growth of InfoConsulting Group in the European market.

InfoConsulting Hungary—the company with high-class business consulting experts greatly increase the efficiency of enterprises by helping them use the latest in digital transformation technology—announced changes in its management to ensure more efficient support of its further growth. Mirosław Kamiński, chairman of the board of InfoConsulting Group appointed Csaba Veréb as Managing Director effective 1st November 2022, the previous Managing Director Imre Sturcz continues as a Global Business Development Manager to support the execution of the growth strategy of InfoConsulting Group in the European market.

Csaba Veréb, the new Managing Director of InfoConsulting Hungary Ltd. joined the team nearly 8 years ago. He has been leading the consulting and development activities of the company initially as a Project Manager then as a Consulting Manager. The 45 aged manager studied at Kandó Kálmán Technical College and Technical University of Budapest, he joined the team with 7 years of software development and 8 years of organizational development experiences. Before his InfoConsulting career between 2007 and 2011 he coordinated the implementation of enterprise software and the operation of the organization at HAFI Industries Ltd. at customer side. Then between 2011 and 2015 he worked in the field of organizational development and integration of market leading ERP systems as organizational and IT manager at Aerzen Hungária Kft.

Among the most important tasks of the new Managing Director will be the management of those changes in the domestic market that come from the global changes in the enterprise software market in a way that enterprise solutions provided by InfoConsulting continues to be an ideal, agile, modern, and high-class alternative for top manufacturing and emerging midsize companies operating in Hungary.

Imre Sturcz, who resigned from the position of Managing Director but remains at the company, has been working for more than 20 years for the team, and since October 2018 held the position of Managing Director. The most important achievement of Imre Sturcz was the management of the process of smooth transition where the company became an IFS Partner and InfoConsulting subsidiary from an IFS subsidiary during the 4 years period between 2018 and 2022. Based on his decades of business development experiences the manager is going to support the setup and execution of the growth strategy of InfoConsulting Group in the European market.