Implementation of a new ERP software has an impact on the functioning of the entire company

The whole process requires significant efforts not only from the supplier but also from the customer, says Milan Tesař, Sales Director at InfoConsulting Czech & Slovakia.

In your opinion, what role does change management play in the implementation of an ERP system?

Due to the still prevalent model of fix price/fix scope implementation, project scope management is crucial for both suppliers and customers. The correct determination of the scope of the project and the responsibilities of both parties involved is a necessary prerequisite for the smooth running of the project, but also the management of changes in scope during the project. Changes will come to every project, but only with a clear initial state (scope of the project) and a transparent change management process with proper inclusion of impacts in the schedule or budget, the project can be kept in a controlled state and not lose control over it.

From the customer’s point of view, what are the biggest risks arising from the cancellation of the ERP system implementation project?

The implementation of a new ERP system has implications for the operation of the entire company and requires significant efforts not only from the supplier but also from the customer. And if the company had already decided to invest in the new system, it would have been preceded by several considerations about possible future improvements, as well as internal preparation of information. At the beginning of the selection of the ERP system, the customer would typically have had several meetings with suppliers or independent process consultants, invested many days in considerations, preparations and internal motivation of key employees. If the project is subsequently cancelled or significantly postponed, this effort will not be used and due to relatively rapid changes (usually on the part of both the customer and the ERP suppliers), most of these activities are repeated. At the same time, this significantly reduces the motivation and enthusiasm on the part of employees, which are essential for successful implementation.

How can robotic automation of RPA processes revive older ERP systems? What should companies pay attention to when deploying it?

I’ll try to use an analogy – if you put the elements of the smart home into an old house, so although it will be better for the inhabitants of the house, the house’s dilapidation would not stop and the leak in the basement would continue. RPA does not solve most of the problems and obstacles that outdated ERP puts in the way of companies, and it seems far more important to me to invest in modern ERP system innovation than in one technology.

What should organizations focus primarily on during the implementation and operation of the ERP system used by remote employees? What are the biggest pitfalls of this regime?

Remote use of the ERP system is not something new associated with coronavirus epidemic. Most modern systems work with thin or web clients with appropriate security, and the functionality of the ERP system can be used remotely for many years. The first difficulty may be sufficient Internet connectivity for both the server and individual end-users – if a large number of users start working remotely, their activity can cause relatively large data traffic. The second difficulty, usually greater, is the security of end-user home networking, which is not nearly as good as enterprise security and can lead to security incidents.

Source: Implementace nového ERP má dopady na fungování celé společnosti