InfoConsulting wins 2023 IFS Channel Partner Of The Year

We Are The WINNER! InfoConsulting has been recognized as the global IFS Channel Partner of the Year! The award was presented during the recent IFS Sales Kick-Off #SaKO in London.

InfoConsulting has been recognized for its ability to deliver sales programs that contribute to the adoption of IFS solutions, proven substantial impact on new customer acquisition, and unsurpassed pipeline/revenue growth.

InfoConsulting as The winner of this award successfully demonstrated the following key attributes that were key to being successful:

Ability to deliver and develop innovative programs that contributed to the adoption of IFS solutions purchase and implementation.
Substantial growth in customer acquisitions and/or revenue.
Continuous sales performance and effectiveness.

Thank you very much for recognizing our contribution to the global development of IFS.

This is the sixth year in a row that we have received an IFS Partner of the Year award! For 2023, we have been recognised as the 2023 IFS Channel Partner Of The Year.

2023 has been a year of tremendous growth for InfoConsulting, having opened new operations in Australia, Switzerland, and most recently Sri Lanka.

This growth was only possible by the dedication of our team, and this reward is a testament to their hard work. We are not stopping in our vision to become one of the world’s leading business consulting companies, bringing innovations to improve the way the world works and lives.

That we have been consistent in the execution of our plans is shown by the regularity of both being nominated and winning these prestigious IFS awards

2018 – IFS Innovative Partner of the Year
2019 – IFS Services Partner of the Year
2020 – IFS Innovative Partner of the Year
2021 – IFS Services Partner of the Year
2022 – Customers Choice Partner of the Year
2023 – IFS Channel Partner of the Year!