Interview with Tomasz Majcherek

Interview with Tomasz Majcherek, Vice President of the InfoConsulting Management Board, an experienced manager and expert in the use of software to increase the efficiency of companies. The expansion of the Management Board is related to the rapid development of the Company. We asked Tomasz Majcherek about InfoConsulting’s development plans and new functions.

Which areas will you be responsible for at InfoConsulting?

Actually, I am already active, because we started working intensively from the very beginning. I supervise three departments in the Polish team: Service, Research, Development and Programming. These are committed, substantive teams that are crucial in the further development of the company. I will also be involved in supporting InfoConsulting companies in foreign markets. InfoConsulting is developing rapidly and it has become necessary to expand the board to manage the organization more effectively.

What are InfoConsulting’s development plans?

First of all, we want to focus on our customers. Both the existing and the new ones. We are experts in increasing the efficiency of enterprises with the use of state-of-the-art technology, but these are not only ERP implementations. It is important to be aware that InfoConsulting is also a service, development, database optimization and, above all, business consulting organisation. We specialize in IFS, of which we are a platinum partner and from which we received the Innovative Partner of the Year award in 2020. They are a key partner, but we always propose solutions that are optimal for the client. That is why we also offer other systems for the SME segment, such as enova365 or Optimes, where we observe a growing interest in ERP and MES systems, even though these are difficult times for quick strategic implementation decisions. Our team consists of nearly 200 people, mainly in Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. We are also developing in the Nordic markets. The year 2021 will be a year of strengthening our position on foreign markets and in Poland, extending the offer and, above all, ensuring customer satisfaction.

How do you assess the prospects of the ERP market?

In Poland, the market is constantly developing, we are still below the average seen in the European Union. So the outlook is optimistic. It is also larger in more saturated markets like Finland where the demand for our services, as I mentioned implementations, is only a part of our offer. We are committed to stable growth. With each project, we care about the success of our clients. Thanks so much to a partnership approach, our clients cooperate with us on a long-term basis. InfoConsulting is changing, developing. We want to meet even higher standards in the future. My role is to ensure the satisfaction of customers whose expectations are constantly higher, which additionally motivates us to work harder and smarter.