Digital Transformation Consulting
Digital transformation consulting is an offer of comprehensive customer service ranging from the analysis of business processes to the selection of the right solution. We provide IT consulting and implement projects in the field of business support.
As part of the digital transformation consulting process, we focus on improving the safety of implementation projects, and assist in the choice of ERP, BI, and WMS, as well as other systems that support organization management in specific areas.

We know that implementation is the most important stage when creating an IT system. Its successful completion has an impact on whether the costs incurred on the IT system will be paid off, and also whether the expected benefits will be achieved. Therefore, based on many years of experience, we support our clients at every stage of a project. We use a method of running large projects called Application Implementation Methodology, which has been successfully verified in several hundred implementations around the world.
The digital transformation consulting service is an element of verification of the functioning of an organization. It is a reference point for a number of projects from the area between IT and management.
Further information about Digital transformation consulting including new technologies, what organisations are trying to achieve and organisational change can be found in our post covering modern digital transformation.
Choice of ERP - help in choosing IT solutions
Choice of ERP – we build knowledge about the client’s needs based on interviews with internal team members. This action allows us to get acquainted with the flow of information, procedures, documents and, at the very beginning, to identify critical factors in line with business goals and implementation goals for the project.
In the next stage, we build a list of requirements based on the project goals, interviews with your employees and team members, and a process map (if already provided by the client). Creating specifications of functional and technical requirements with the participation of experienced consultants reduce the risk of mistakes at this early part of the process.
We have experience in managing professional Inquiries (business) and Terms of Reference (PZP). We are able to conduct the tender procedure for selected software on the shortlist. We design and negotiate contracts on behalf of our clients. Thanks to many years of experience, we clearly explain to our clients what the contract with the supplier should contain from the point of view of project requirements and security.
Consulting and training services for IT suppliers – We look at the daily work related to the implementation of systems and also soliciting new contracts. We aim to educate software suppliers to focus on operational activities. The elements that often translate into the company’s profitability sometimes lose their importance. As a result, suppliers can potentially underestimate the need to obtain up-to-date and reliable information on the functioning of the client. The effectiveness of its marketing activities, market and brand image, or even customer opinions go a long way to determining the success of a supplier. There are sometimes no precise parameters to position the company against the competition which is vital in today’s demanding marketplace. Identifying weaknesses of the organization and constructing arguments and conclusions that set the directions for the development of the company, as well as its resources and products is key.
We offer consulting services as well as training and workshops, which, depending on requirements, are defined in direct consultation with the software provider. It is worth mentioning that we most often conduct training for sales departments, develop product strategies for workshops, conduct market analysis, and provide support in various other areas.
With many years of experience behind us, we are able to advise on new trends, customer expectations in the market, the situation in the IT industry or even recommendations for organizational change in a practical manner.
Development strategy based on the current IT potential – many times we have faced the dilemma of our clients, whether they should develop their current implemented applications, or rather purchase and implement a completely new solution. Taking such strategic decisions without careful analysis will not bring the right results. This is an area where we support and consult on that decision making process.
In the entire strategy of computerization of a company, management staff often cannot simplify critical business goals into business processes within the organization. Therefore, a strategy for the development of the current potential of existing IT infrastructure is essential. Although the systems function and are implemented well, i.e. to the extent assumed, organizations may risk losing benefits in terms of using the full capabilities of these systems in line with business goals. One of the reasons is that many users often have very little direct interaction with the strategy, meaning they may simply be unaware of the necessary changes and adjustments at the operational level.
In order to make the most of the application’s possibilities, it is necessary to assess the possibility of their development and compliance with business goals today and in the future. Due to the very sophistication of IT applications, different modules often have different levels of maturity. Consequently, it is also important to skillfully control the combination of business and strategic issues with information technology. In addition, well-prepared user groups can provide excellent support, and influence the extraction of specific benefits from the systems not only for end-users, but above all for the company.
The current expectations and requirements of customers mean enterprises need to diversify the product offering. This often creates the need to dynamically compete on the market in terms of an assortment of manufactured products. The increase in the number of products and their diversity often implies the need to organize and reorganize production. There are more and more problems, both in the area of designing production systems and in the area of operational management activities. Something we support and consult on.
Production planning and management translates into the requirement to face specific organizational problems, which is why we propose to use our many years of experience gained from the analysis of production processes, their optimization and computerization for many companies worldwide.
Supervision of the implementation project – Before starting the implementation project, we often ask ourselves how to prepare and what to pay special attention to. Of course, it must be clearly stated that there is no simple and unambiguous recipe for successfully carrying out such a complex and multifaceted project. However, a lot will depend on the preparation and process analysis, as well as the resources from the client-side. We also take into consideration the principles and procedures for the project implementation.
Most managers with similar experiences know perfectly well that project management can be done by people who are not only experienced and competent, but also have the appropriate features predisposing them to manage people. Having a strong Project Manager is the first significant element that definitely increases the likelihood of success. That is why we offer the service of supervision of the implementation project.
Another element is introducing users to the design aspects, familiarizing them with the new terminology and building a clear and readable structure of the project aligned to the competencies of individual team members. Appropriate preparation of the organization, i.e. employees, for the upcoming changes, is of great importance for effective implementation. The point is, for employees to understand these changes and want to implement them, and thus identify themselves with the project and not be afraid of the challenges involved.
Proper communication has the greatest impact on the success of a project. The essence of the project should be an efficient flow of information between all parties involved. It is important that each of the parties have the same understanding of the goals of the project, what will be the goals of the target system, what methods and means we intend to use, what are the expectations of users at various stages of the project, and how the entire undertaking will look like in terms of scope and time.
The task is to provide organizational and substantive support to all members of the project. We work at all levels of the structure, we advise at the Steering Committee, Project Manager, and operational level. We assist in the acceptance of products and we give opinions on all arrangements and decisions affecting the correct course of the implementation project.
Process analysis is an element of verifying the functioning of the organization. It is a reference point for a number of smaller projects that will need to be part of the overall implementation.
In IT projects knowledge about the organization plays an important role. In the dynamically changing business environment, the process approach to management facilitates the implementation of solutions / systems. Defining the processes allows for easier monitoring and improvement of the overall functioning of the company/business entity.
Describing the course of processes (flow diagrams), taking into account: interrelationships, participants and beneficiaries, products and conditions and limitations, as well as measures (key indicators), allows you to create a process map that documents the activities taking place in the organization. It is the starting point for organizing all activities in the organization. It allows you to define responsibilities for individual business stages. It helps to avoid duplication of tasks and allows you to identify forgotten and overlooked areas. It is the starting point for defining norms, standards and quality monitoring. It is used to illustrate and make people aware of the relationship between many business units and departments.
Often an implementation company, when starting a pre-implementation analysis is not able to obtain coherent and unambiguous information on the processes in the organization.
Unfortunately, the risks lead to poorly drawn conclusions, incorrectly grasped concepts and misplaced solutions that do not cover the actual flows of activity in the enterprise or institution.
It is therefore important to prepare the organization in such a way as not to entrust responsibility for the project only to users and implementers. Pre-implementation analysis may then reflect the vision and expectations of users, who often do not fully imagine their role in the integrated system at first.
On the other hand, there is a risk that the chance to adjust the processes to the company’s strategy and business goals will be lost.
Summing up, the process analysis should be treated as the first stage in preparation for the implementation of the live system that allows the organization to recognize itself and define its real business needs.
Therefore, we use a detailed process map made in BPMN 2.0 notation, AS IS status report, optimization and reorganization proposals in the form of a TO BE report. Tool selection is a secondary issue. Most often, however, we work with the iGrafx group of programs.